6) Iterative Echo server /client:
1)Name of prog's: i) kumserver.c
2)problem description: Elementry TCP connection setup diagram -page no:96 ,i.e theory about all TCP server &client functions.
3)Algorithem: write a step by step procedure,atleast 10 lines.
4)Executions steps:
step1: Execute two programs seperately,
step2:Run the programs in iterative mode ,i.e open one more terminal for each program and pass the arguments required by the program . For more details see the video presentation .
7) Concurrent server /client to convert the given string into upper case letters: and run the prog in interactive mode:
1)Name of prog's: i) tcpserverupper.c
iii) tcpclientupper.c
2)problem description: Concurrent server theory with diagrams -page no:114,115,116,i.e theory about server &client functions.
3)Algorithem: write a step by step procedure, atleast 10 lines.
4)Executions steps:
step1: Execute two programs seperately,
step2:Run the programs in interactive mode means execute the server program and move result of the program from a.out file to some other file ,and call the new file name through client process. Visa -versa. For more details see the steps below.
Execution Steps:
(Note: Concurrent Server Application programs :Using Select/with out select/using poll/all programs same procedure.
Compiling and running server.
root@localhost week7and8]# cc tcpservselect01.c
[root@localhost week7and8]# mv a.out tcpservselect1
[root@localhost week7and8]# ./tcpservselect1
Server:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
Server:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
output at server
A B C DServer:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
output at server
A B C DServer:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
Server:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
Compiling and running Client.
root@localhost week7and8]# ./tcpclient 13153
enter sentence to end enter #abcd#
String : abcd sent to server
8)Concurrent server /client to reverse given string and run the programm in interactive mode.
9)Concurrent server /client to reverse given string using SELECT FUNCTION and run the programm in interactive mode.
1)Name of prog's: i) tcpserverReverse.c
v) tcpserver using select.c
vi)tcpclient using select.c
2)problem description: Concurrent server theory with diagrams and theory related to SELECT function -page no:160,161i.e theory about server &client functions.
3)Algorithem: write a step by step procedure, atleast 10 lines.
4)Executions steps:
step1: Execute two programs seperately,
step2:Run the programs in interactive mode means execute the server program and move result of the program from a.out file to some other file ,and call the new file name through client process. Visa -versa. For more details see the steps below.
Execution Steps:
a) Client Server Application.
1.Compiling and running server.
[user@localhost week9]$ cc tcpserver.c
[user@localhost week9]$ mv a.out tcpserver
[user@localhost week9]$ ./tcpserver
Server:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
Connection from
enter the string
Server :Received Network Programming
Rev string is gnimmargorP krowteN
Finished Serving One Client
Server:I am waiting-----Start of Main Loop
2. Compiling and running client.
[user@localhost week9]$ cc tcpclient.c
[user@localhost week9]$ mv a.out tcpclient
[user@localhost week9]$./tcpclient 13153
enter sentence to end enter #Network Programming#
String : Network Programming sent to server
10)Concurrent server /client using poll also same as the above procedure.
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